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Welcome to Stone Quarry’s Happenings. Here, you will find a variety of activities and practices we call Happenings*, such as events, interviews, exhibitions, and artist-led workshops. We believe that every experience at Stone Quarry, in-person and virtually, is a happening. From viewing the current works on-site, attending an artist-led experience, reading an interview with a visiting artist, watching an organic farmer hay the fields in late summer, to walking a trail resplendent with mosses and wildlife, every day is an event.

We believe that everyone deserves access to art and the outdoors and we invite you to engage one’s senses, encounter a different perspective, and reveal a multiplicity of voices.

Enjoy and visit again soon for future happenings.

* We borrow the term “happening” from artist Allan Kaprow. Happenings in their original context comprised “works from the 1950 and 1960s that were unique, unrehearsed events, often combining elements of theater, music, and the visual arts. Usually nonverbal, they may incorporate visual, tactile, and olfactory responses, chance, and audience participation.” (Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus, Getty Research Institute:

Dominique C. Hill - Evocation

NIC Kay - Roots +ees

Fritz Horstman - Burnable Sculpture Workshop

Ann Clarke - Interior Landscapes

Artist Interviews